Friday, June 24, 2011

What a lovely quote ~


The Last of Our Early Peas

I picked the last of the peas.  We have been eating on them for the past several weeks, mostly just picked and eaten immediately on salads or just right out of our hands.  But it was coming to the end of a great run, so I picked the remaining crop.


Then I shelled all of them.


And then I made our lunch with them, pea salad with mint and goat cheese.


Did you know that a serving of peas has more protein than an egg?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer lunch on the deck


We had Fried egg on fresh salad greens from the garden, garnished with bacon, freshly grated romano cheese, fresh dill and then served with brie and fruit, and peach tea to drink. The salad was tossed with champagne vinaigrette.

all of us having lunch

New lily

Birdman got me a new lily yesterday, Alabama Jubilee.alabama julibee

It is the beautiful red one reflecting in the mirror.

There are so many beautiful lilies blooming this week. There is a new surprise each morning.

1 lily

2 lily

3 lily

Monday, June 20, 2011

Rainy day

It has been raining for a good part of the morning. That makes it a perfect day to sit and read on the porch. The most active part of the day has been chasing the chipmunk that has taken up residence in the house. We can not catch him; even the cats have tried. Kitty had him in her jaws, but he escaped.belle reading the paper

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The lilies are blooming

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day Birdman!
After a quick trip to Clinton for the Reed family reunion, we stopped off at the cabin to spend the night.
On Sunday after we got home, we took in a Dragons game in Dayton. As usual, it rained, but this time we got to see the game at least.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Still life for the day

St. Francis

A few years back St. James Episcopal Church decided to purchase a new St. Francis statue for its memory gardern. The current statue had been there for many years and was showing its age. It sat right by the street so that everyone walking or driving past the church downtown saw it. Not knowing what would happen to it, Birdman and I offered to find it a new home in our garden. After a donation for the purchase of the new one, we transfered St. Francis to his new home. Knowing that it was loved and really belonged to the residents of Piqua, we felt that we needed to place it in our front yard so that people could still enjoy it. One day there was a knock at our front door from a passerby. It turns out that their family had purchased the statue many years ago in memory of their daughter who had died. She had contracted encephalities from a bite while she was at band camp and died afterwards. The family no longer lived in Piqua, but upon returning for a visit saw that the statue was on longer at the church and inquired as to what had happened to it. They were happy to know of its new home and had stopped to see it.