Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day Two of the Great Family Vacation

You always know that you are close to Granny’s when you get to the rocket rest stop.  There is a Saturn rocket on display. Up until a few years ago you could actually go right up and stand under the rocket. I am not sure why, but about 2 or 3 years ago we found it fenced off from the public. You can still go up and see it, you just can’t stand under it or touch it.  But we always stop here to take a break, call my mom and let her know that we are near so she can get the dumplings heated up.  I always stopped with my kids and now they are stopping with their children.  Laney, you are taking your first trip to the South.

Jellystone Park, Cave City, Kentucky

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Day one was Jellystone Park.  Andrew and the family were camping in an RV.  Birdman, Sam, and I got a motel room nearby, but came to the campground to hang out.
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When we got there, there was a fierce corn hole tournament going on.  Adults were hoping to lose and be done, but the kids kept on winning.

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There was lots of time to visit and catch up on baby Laney time before it was time to fix supper.
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After the sun went down there was dance party at the pavilion, roasting mashmallows around the campfire, and who can forget Butt Charades!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Morning Ritual

I have a little morning ritual that I do most mornings.
While it is still cool out, I walk the gardens looking for blooms to collect.
I have various vases throughout the house that I use for fresh flowers each day.
The heat and drought has certainly taken a toll on the gardens this year, but there are still plenty of blooms to enjoy.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Freshman Year is Over and Done

It doesn't seem that long ago that we were moving you in. My youngest child was starting his freshman year at Wright State University.

 Today was the day we went down to bring everything back for the summer.
It all fit, but truthfully we had made a partial trip earlier this week.
Welcome back home, Sean!

Summer is officially here for the Hastings-Reed Home

First concert of the summer - Avett Brothers at the Fraze.  It was an awesome night and an awesome concert. David Mayfield surprised  everyone when he came out and played for the encore! Here's to many more nights and days of music to come this summer!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Time for brunch on the deck and then being able to share with Kitty.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I unapologetically love Hillary


There are many beautiful things blooming in my world.

Ray Bradbury died today

I loved reading Ray Bradbury and I loved teaching him to my students. It was through his stories that I truly came to understand and appreciate what science fiction as a genre is, a cautionary tale as to what the future might hold if we don't pay attention to our lives and the directions we take in our societies.

Thank you Mr. Bradbury for enriching our lives and causing us to think.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it ~ Mark Twain

Saturday, March 24, 2012

For behold the winter is past
The rain is over and gone
The flowers have already appeared in the land
The time has arrived for pruning the vines
And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land.
The fig tree has ripened its figs
And the vines in blossom has given forth their fragrance,.
Arise, my darling, my beautiful one,
And come along!
Song of Solomon

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Silly Spandy

I have 3 cats and one of them is by fair sillier than the others. Spandy is the one stretched out as long as he can. You never know where you are going to find him sleeping or what he is going to do. He is the only one of our cats who likes to swing.