Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sara's Newest Creation

My daughter Sara's latest creation. She must be inspired by all of the recent snow and ice.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Drawing of Gustafer

These Days Are Good For a Few Things

Napping, lots of napping. Uninterrupted time on the computer. Watching the winter storm blow through from inside a nice warm house. Working on art and planning new lilies to order because spring will be coming. I promise.

Wednesday, Ground Hog Day

Ice moved in two nights ago. It is more ice than we have seen in like maybe forever.

School has been cancelled for the past two days so we have just stayed in watching the weather from inside only to venture out to feed the birds or to help Montana out. I did get to the mailbox yesterday, but I am not even going to attempt it today!